Friday, January 23, 2009


I have reached the border of me being a school student and a college student.
Its scary whenever thinking about it.
I've started my part-time job as a clerk yesterday. Honestly speaking, it's quite exciting.
I mean the first two days wasn't THAT fantastic, most of the time I was sitting down doing nothing. Well i may not get a good pay but its the experience that counts. The people are super friendly and they make the most weird but funny jokes. I guess office humor aren't really the same when you're making jokes with your friends.
So far, I've only mastered the scanner, fax machine, photostat machine and the stapler ahaha
I still have a lot more to learn, and I don't mind. As long as I'm occupied and I have cash coming in. :p
The first day was well weird for me actually. When I entered well not that soon, after an hour plus the first thing they asked me was ' adik Nivin eh?" or "You're Nivins sister?"
However, there are perks being my sisters sister and the boss's best friends daughter.
I'll be working till the end of April. My goal is to save the salary money till the end of April, THEN! I shall buy myself a camera OR a micro lens but with the salary that I'm getting I think buying a micro lens is not enough.

Anyways, I've registered for college at Taylors college of art and design. I'm taking the March intake, which will be soon and I'm doing a Diploma in Graphics Communication in Design, the period is about 2 1/2 years and if I get 60% above I would have a chance to get to do a degree at Swinburne University in Melbourne for about 1 1/2 years. How fun!

I have finally passed my P and I can finally drive legally. I've gotten my license and P sticker. I drove half way back home after work. I was doing fine, but as usual mothers would be uncomfortable and stressed out when their children are driving. I did break but she still shouted, it was hilarious actually. You have to picture that yourself. I can drive places without annoying my mother to send me everywhere. I'll be using my brothers car. So, when I'm driving I'll be driving a small cute kelisa :p

I can't belief how time flies. I'm going to college, I'm old enough to drive and I'm turning 18 soon. Ouh gosh, thats really fast. I have so many things to do now and I have plans for myself in the future. Can't wait to start. :D
Well my mom has to deal with me now. College then University. She has to be patient for these years to come. Well I guess that's enough for now.
Till then.

Toodles :)

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