Hello fellow bloggers,
I have actually abandoned this blog for a very very long time and It's a pity because I've expressed so many things here. Memories. My english is not as articulate as before because I haven't been reading much and the people I hang around with don't really give a flying fuck about grammar (not everyone) and I guess my vulgarity has increased as well.. I know I can restart where I stopped? The last time I wrote a proper post was in November last year and August 2011 is just around the corner. How time flies, it's scary that things happen so fast. Things change and people change and of course I changed.. a lot. I can't possibly tweet all of this, it would be sickening to everyone. I've been updating my tumblr very frequently but it doesn't give me that much satisfaction as it did before. There is a certain expectations whenever I post anything, and to be honest I want feedback, I want people to like or reblog my post but some of the things I post aren't given that much feedback which turns me off. I use tumblr just to get ideas and collect them in a blog for me to browse through when I need inspiration the most, but 90% of it isn't MINE and I don't give much credit to the people that created it. I feel guilty.. Unlike this blog of mine is created by me and the posts are mine. I shouldn't have abandoned this. Anyhoo..
Since November 2010, I finally finished my Diploma in Graphic Communication Design at Taylor's Lakeside. I still remember my post writing about which course to take and one of them was actually Environmental Biology. It's funny how I ended up taking arts instead, there's always a reason why. Art is more of my forte, I'm comfortable with design and I have so many interests related to it. Don't get me wrong, I was really into environmental studies when I was young, I still am, maybe... not as much as before but I do care for the environment. So.. I'm a free woman now, I'm just waiting for February for my next intake in Swinburne University, Melbourne. That's another big step.
2011 is the most active, great, different, busy year of my life. I've met so many people along the way. The good, the bad and any other cliche sentences you could think of. I've done crazy things with my friends, been to countless events, had good and bad experiences with guys and friends, drama. I've regretted what I said in my last November post about the guy I dated briefly, wrong judgement, seduced by his words and betrayed friends that trusted me. I was really messed up and I think I still am. I have that urge to do something bad but my conscience reminds me everyday what it'll do to me, but I never listen. Today, friends are important to me and so are my family. I won't let stupid urges lose friends I love. I've learnt it the hard way before, but I guess now the things I do, just effect me only and not anyone else (hopefully)
"You're young once, but you only have a few chances to improve yourself before death"
and to me, you don't know when you'll die. I scare myself sometimes with my thoughts but I'm as stubborn as hell. I have so many things I want to do, but I never initiate it.
Oh! I cut my hair super short since January this year and I've been frequently cutting it every 2 to 3 months. I even think because of my haircut I have even changed my personality and dressing. I'm liking the new me in that sense, maybe cause I'm quite confident unlike last time. It could be overwhelming to a few people but I don't really give a damn. I've taken interest with blogging and fashion styles and design I might combine all of this and make something out of it. I thought of creating a personal fashion blog and ideas or some-sort, but I don't know where and how to start. I even want to try new skills like skateboarding, I know... I would most probably trip and fall all the time, but what the heck, no harm trying right? Since I have six months, I want to do so many things and this August is fasting month and it's a month for me to be a better person and that's a promise. I'll try to update more and probably post pictures of anything recent.
If i were to vent everything it could probably end up looking like J.R.R Tolkien's "Lord of The Rings" book haha, but I wouldn't know where to start anyways. I write as if you were my long lost best friend. :p oh well... Till then, you'll be seeing more of me, maybe ;)
after months and months of vanishing, I finally get to write this again..
Toodles :)